Water is the source of life. As a source of life, the water that we consume daily should be clean and healthy water, because dirty water is not a source of good and decent life for human beings. Not only for humans, clean water is also a substance needed by other creatures such as plants and animals for its survival.
Then, does the clear water that we see daily, drink, and use is really healthy and proper? Where do we know the water is clean?
Quoting the Decree of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia No. 1405 / menkes / sk / xi / 2002 on the Environmental Health Requirements of Office and Industry, clean water is water used for daily purposes and the quality meets the requirements of clean water health in accordance with the legislation Apply and can be drunk when cooked.
Safe drinking water for health is potable water that meets the physical, microbiological, chemical, and radioactive requirements.
Physically, healthy drinking water is:
1. no smell,
2. no taste,
3. colorless, as well as
4. has a total of dissolved solids, turbidities, and temperatures according to a set threshold.
Microbiologically, healthy drinking water should:
1. free of E. coli bacteria and total coliform bacteria.
1. chemicals contained in drinking water such as iron, aluminum, chlorine, arsenic, and others must be below the prescribed threshold.
1. gross alpha activity levels should not exceed 0.1 becquerel per liter (Bq / l)
2. the gross beta activity level should not exceed 1 Bq / l.
Many ways we can do to save water usage at home. According to the Directorate General of Water Resources, Ministry of Public Works, there are several things that can be done:
1. When using a washing machine, use its full capacity. That way, the water used can be more efficient. It is also recommended to use an automatic washing machine so that it can save more water.
2. Washing in large quantities will be more water efficient than few, but often. If you do not use a washing machine, do not rinse directly under the faucet, but put water in a bucket to rinse.
3. Use water as needed. Not that stingy water and finally not clean. For example, do not bathe for a long time. When using a shower, use a weak jet because it can save liter of water every minute.
4. Installing a shower in the bathroom is more efficient than using a water scoop by way of soaking. The use of the shower is three times more efficient than using a scoop or bath.
5. Do not let water drip from a leaking basin or toilet. Immediately fix.
6. Let the water faucet light up while we are brushing teeth, wash my face, or shave, washing dishes and other very wasteful of water. One minute let the water tap open, at least 5 liters of wasted water.
7. In daily activities in the household, do not let the water wasted away if it can still be used. For example, if you wash fruit or vegetables with tap water flowing water. Use the water to water the plants. Similarly, aquarium water when it wants to drain it. The rainwater from the gutters can be accommodated or directed to the trees and plants.
8. Use a water container bucket while washing a car or motorcycle, so as not to squander water that continues to flow from the hose. Even if you still want to use the hose, turn off the water when the powder and just turn on when will rinse. A quarter of an hour closing the faucet alone will also save tens of liters of water.
9. In addition, it is advisable not to use clean water when watering the yard or plant. Use household waste water that is not too dirty.
10. Strive to create a water absorption well in your residence to replace the water we consume. Avoid spending all the yards of the yard with cement, this is to keep the rain water can sink directly into the ground. In addition to absorption wells, it is better to make biopori to prevent flooding and maintain the continuity of the environment around.
Let’s improve the perception and mindset about clean water. Water as if it were available for free. Though water is getting rare and we need a lot of cost for clean water supply. Saving clean water also means saving the future of water, the environment and the future of our own grandchildren.
Dr. Kristanto Eko Wibowo