With the increasing number of cases of chronic kidney disease stage 5 which requires dialysis therapy but not balanced with the availability of machine Hemodialysis (blood dial), then Kasih Ibu Hospital will open the service CAPD (continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis) or dialysis with the help of the peritoneal cavity Membrane).
Of course, to open a CAPD service, it is necessary to prepare good facilities and infrastructure including qualified human resources, so that Kasih Ibu Hospital organizes Inhouse Training of CAPD Services in cooperation with PT Kalbe Farma. The inhouse training target is nurse medical personnel. The event was held on 4 May 2017 at Kasih Ibu Hospital.
The event opened with a welcome Director of Kasih Ibu Hospital that is dr Ndarumurti Pangesti SpPD KEMD.
Then the event continued with the material delivered by 3 speakers namely dr Ratih Tri K SpPD about CAPD followed by the second session by Tri Wahyutiningsih S.Kep about the role of nurses on CAPD service and lastly by Elizabet Kurnia S.Kep about the training and homevisit training of CAPD patients.
Then the event continued with some training related to CAPD services such as Exit site treatment (catheter outlet hole), CAPD fluid exchange, penatalksanaan blockage on catheter hose etc.
Tim Hemodialisa
Kasih Ibu Surakarta Hospital