In order to improve the performance quality of nurses and laboratory analysts, Kasih Ibu Hospital held a Phlebotomy Practice Seminar held from 20 – 24 March 2017 at the Kasih Ibu Hospital meeting hall. Participants are all hospital scheduled nurses and hospital analysts.

Dr. Kurniawan Sp.PK provides material on Pre Analytic and Phlebotomy Complications
  1. In the seminar is filled by 4 speakers namely:Dr. Kurniawan M.Sc Sp.PK (Pre
  2. analytics and Phlebotomy complications)
  3. Dr Ida Bagus Caesar FK (Pneumatic tube)
  4. Heidy Cukra Anesta S.Kep Ns (Phlebotomy Theory)
  5. Sandra Wijaya SKM (Phlebotomy Technique)
Mrs. Heidy S.Kep Ns delivered material about Phlebotomy
Practice phlebotomy
Practice phlebotomy