Although there is no definite scientific fact or evidence on how to prevent breast cancer, some of the following preventive measures can be done to control the risk factors for breast cancer:

  1. Stay away from cigarettes
    Cigarettes contain many chemical particles that can cause tissue and cell damage. Not only avoid smoking activities, away from cigarette smoke is one way to reduce the risk of breast cancer.
  2. Consumption of fiber
    Many fibers derived from vegetables and fruits are very beneficial to the body. Fiber and antioxidants contained in fruits and vegetables can counteract the effects of free radicals that are harmful to the body.
  3. Maintain body weight
    One of the keys to maintaining health is to have an ideal body weight. Excess body weight and body mass index not only trigger cancer risk but other degenerative diseases such as diabetes, stroke and heart disease.
  4. Avoid alcohol consumption
    As mentioned earlier that alcohol is one of the factors that trigger breast cancer. As much as possible avoid alcohol consumption, especially if you are accustomed to drinking it. If you can not stop drinking habits in total, do it slowly by reducing the amount of alcohol every day.
  5. Regular exercise
    Regular exercise can boost your immune system and make your body healthier and less susceptible to disease. Exercise can also burn fat cells thereby reducing the amount of estrogen produced in the body.
  6. Consumption of vitamins
    Vitamins also play an important role in improving body function, maintain immunity and help the recovery process. Consumption of vitamin C can increase the body’s ability to ward off free radicals and reduce the effects of damage it causes.
  7. Breast self-examination
    To know the existence of physical changes, especially in the breast should do the examination on the body using your own hands. This examination is effective to know the early symptoms of breast cancer, so if something is found that you should not be able to immediately conduct a medical examination and get a faster treatment.
  8. Take the preventive test
    If breast self-examination is not enough, you can end up at a local health facility to get a mammogram test that results more accurately.
  9. Handling with medicines
    Two types of drugs available for women at high risk for breast cancer are tamoxifen and raloxifene. Menopausal women can use both drugs, while women who are not yet menopausal are only encouraged to use tamoxifen. If you have had or have a risk of having blood clots or cervical cancer, these drugs may also be unsuitable. For those of you who want to have children, doctors will usually advise stopping taking tamoxifen at least two months before trying to conceive because this drug will affect the development of the fetus. Tamoxifen can also increase the risk of blood clots, so you should stop taking it at six weeks before surgery.
  10. Mastectomy
    In addition to treating breast cancer, mastectomy is also used to reduce the risk of breast cancer in women at high risk due to hereditary history. This surgery can reduce the risk of breast cancer by 90%, but still have the risk of complications. Breast removal may also significantly decrease patient confidence. In addition to plastic surgery, concurrent breast reconstruction or after mastectomy, you also have another alternative, a fake breast that can be used inside the bra.

Currently, the most important for every woman to reduce the risk of dying from breast cancer is regular mammogram screening, knowing how to do breast self-examination, and going to the doctor regularly.

source: The Indonesian Breast Cancer Foundation