Although already plenary accredited by KARS (Hospital Accreditation Commission), this does not mean the struggle is over. Every year KARS will conduct an evaluation to ensure that the quality of the hospital is maintained.
On Wednesday, September 5 2018, Kasih Ibu Surakarta Hospital was visited by a representative of KARS as a supervisor, Dr. Yan Aslian Noor, MPH to conduct a verification survey
After the opening of the event and presentation by Dr. Ndarumurti Pangesti, SpPD-KEMD as director of Kasih Ibu Surakarta Hospital, surveior reviewed the documents for each working group consisting of Medical Services, Nursing and Management Groups.
Field surveys were also carried out at each work unit and service unit to ensure the quality of services in the hospital. Finally, the event closed with an exit conference.
Hopefully this accreditation survey can be useful to maintain the quality of service at Kasih Ibu Surakarta Hospital.
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