Spesialis Bedah
Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir :
- Klaten, 19 Juni
Pendidikan :
- Pendidikan Umum : FK Univ. Sebelas Maret Surakarta, 1993
- Pendidikan Spesialis : FK Univ. Gajah Mada, 2005
- Pendidikan Konsultan Bedah Digestif : FK Univ Diponegoro, 2016
Kursus / Workshop :
- Total Mesorectal Excision : Perfect Practice, Hands-on Workshop in cadaver, Bangkok, 2014
- Workshop Andominal Compartement Syndrome, Rumah Sakit Pendidikan FK-Unpad, Bandung, 2014
- Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery Course, University Medical Center, Ho Chi Minh City, 2016
Pertemuan Ilmiah / Simposium / Seminar :
- Peserta The 5th Annual Indonesian Symposium & Workshop on Acute Care Surgey, Bandung, 2015
- Pembicara Muktamar Ikatan Ahli Bedah Digestif Indonesia X, Makasar, 2016
- Peserta Muktamar Ikatan Ahli Bedah Digestif Indonesia X, Makasar, 2016
- Peserta Collaboration Between Clinician and Clinical Microbiologists Control and Preventing the Antimicrobial Resisten, Solo, 2016
Organisasi :
- Anggota IDI Cab. Boyolali
- Anggota IKABI Cab. Surakarta
- Anggota PABI Cab. Surakarta
- Fellow of Indonesian Surgeons Association
- Fellow of International College Surgeons
- Sekretaris ORARI Lokal Surakarta