dr. Yulius Mulyamusada, M.Kes, SpOT

dr. Yulius Mulyamusada, M.Kes, SpOT

Foto dokter (21)

Spesialis :

  • Bedah Tulang

Jabatan :

  • Kepala Instalasi Kamar Operasi

Pendidikan :

Lulus Dokter Umum :

  • FK – UNS, RS. Dr. Moewardi,  Surakarta, th 2005

Lulus Dokter Spesialis Bedah Orthopedi dan Traumatologi :

  • FK – UNPAD, RS. Hasan Sadikin, Bandung, th. 2012




Pelatihan / Kursus :

  1. Advanced Trauma Life Support. Surakarta.
  2. The Flap Dissection, Interlocking Nail & DMS. Surgical Anatomy Course on Cadavers. 21-22 November 2006. Bandung.
  3. Workshop Taping-Strapping in Orthopedic Problems. 24 Oktober 2009. Bandung
  4. AO Trauma Course – Principles in Operative Fracture Management. 3-5 Juni 2010, Jakarta.
  5. Shoulder Sport Injury. 3-4 Juli 2010. Bandung.
  6. Training Sports Medicine and Arthroscopic Surgery at the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery in Clinica Cemtro. 1 Maret – 30 April 2011. Madrid, Spanyol.
  7. Symposium & Workshop Traumatologi Update. 16-17 Juli. Jakarta
  8. 3rd POSNA-ASEAN Pediatric Orthopaedic Course. 21-23 July 2011. Jakarta.
  9. Symposium and Workshop 10th Grand Round Musculoskeletal Tumor. 16-17 Desember 2011. Solo.
  10. Upper Extremity Trauma Update. Januari 2013. Bandung.
  11. Knowledge Update Management Intraarticular Fracture In Lower Extremity Injury. Februari 2013. Bandung.
  12. Current Concept and Management of Total Hip Arthroplasty. April 2013. Solo.
  13. 60th Continuing Orthopaedic Education (COE). Juni 2013. Bali.
  14. AAOS-IOA Education Progtram. November 2013. Jogjakarta.
  15. 15th EFFORT Congress. Juni 2014. London.
  16. 19th National Congress of Indonesian Orthopaedic Association. Facing The Spine Problems in Upcoming Years. November 2014.
  17. Thoracolumbar Spine Injury: The Comprehensive Management. Desember 2014. Solo.
  18. APOA Sport Injury Section Congress. Februari 2015. Bandung.

Jadwal Praktik Dokter


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